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Wednesday 4/21 was the second time senators met this year to discuss a variety of topics regarding immigration reform such as the American Dream, Promise and Farm Workforce Modernization Acts. While no conclusions were met, many in attendance claim that it was a positive meeting with constructive conversation.

The starting points included the Republicans demanding the asylum process at the southern border be streamlined so fewer migrant children could be released into the United States to await the processing of immigration courts and the Democrats demanding that immigrants who were brought into the country illegally at a young age, “Dreamers,” be given a path to citizenship.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin declined to talk about the prospect of attaching immigration reform to an infrastructure package that Democratic leaders plan to pass through the Senate under budget reconciliation to bypass an expected GOP filibuster.

Another meeting is planned to be held soon with the hopes of administration participating in these conversations and overlooking the many ideas of immigration reform that are presented during these meetings.